
Closed for the Season

The Beartooth Pass is officially closed.  Not forever, but until next spring when the snow starts its thaw and the green finds its way back.  It's hunkering down for the winter, but it will be there for us again. 

Glacier Lake - the very first hike Kiel and I went on together was to that patch of blue nestled between those peaks.  It was magical; I swear it's where unicorns live.  It's also where knew I was with who I was meant to be with then and now and forever too.  

Dear Beartooth Pass,

We will see you when we are ready to have the sun warm our bones again, when the skis have been put away for another year, when the memories and adventures of the winter are tucked in our back pockets, and when we want to be reminded what the world looks like from up high.



Sandy said...

Glad you have found the person of your dreams in Kiel, Amy. Happiness to the both of you.

Amy said...

Thanks Sandy!