
A Poor Transitioner

I suffer from poor transitioning syndrome and it's a real thing because I swear it is.  Just ask my mom, as she struggles with it too.  Just ask my mom...what am I?  Five?  Trying to defend myself with throwing out the Momma Debi card.  I just feel she legitimizes the situation.  Symptoms of the PTS include becoming ridiculous when needing to change anything.  And when I say ridiculous, it means sometimes there is crying and sometimes there is laughing and sometimes there is curling up in a fetal position on the carpet and sometimes there is needing to be talked off the ledge and sometimes there is running around the house vacuuming.  

It doesn't matter if I'm transitioning to something fun, exciting, scary, new, old, challenging...really anything.  I can mourn the loss of a vacation before it even starts, imagining the transition back to real life.  It doesn't matter the situation; I get comfy in something and I don't like the change.  Right now, I live in two places and work in an entire state of places.  As you can imagine, that makes for a great deal of transitioning. 

You'd think I'd get over the PTS with all of this practice provided to me.

But, probably I'm not getting over it when I just found myself squeeze hugging Kiel and smelling his neck like I was never going to see him again. 

I tell him this is normal behavior.  

Someday I'll be better at the constant shifting required of us as adult humans.  I believe this phase in life was gifted to me to do just that - to teach me to roll with it and to sometimes leave dirty dishes in the sink. 

You'd think I was saying goodbye for a month for the way I'm acting right now, but in all reality I'll see him in two days for the Bison game.  

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