
Haystack for the Heart Picture

My cowboy boots pushed the sand down with a squish, my one hand held my camera and the other was being held, the sun warmed my face as we made our way to the water edge while my eyes tried to take it all in.  

A lighthouse to the right, Haystack Rock to the left, the blaring yellow light in the middle, the sound of the waves lapping in, a toddler running in his diaper into the water being chased by his barefoot dad...

Dear Bird,

Thank you for flying across at just the right time.  I appreciate you.


Dinner with blankets wrapped around our legs to take the chill off the evening air, a glass of white wine each, fresh seafood, and this sunset as the view.  There was a time when I would have spent most of the experience trying to capture it all through my camera lens.  There is value in creating memories that can be looked at in the future, but there is also value in snapping one quick picture and then setting the camera down to create memories in the heart instead.  I remember watching a movie when I was a teenager.  I don't remember the movie title but I do remember this part - it has stuck with me and for some reason, it's something I think of often now.  A mom was watching her son and husband interact with each other and she said with her hand over her chest, "My heart just took a picture."  

My heart took many pictures that evening in Oregon on the coast and I will forever cherish them in the same way I cherish this orange and blue. 

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