
Coffee and Combines

I've learned from the past year of travel working there are certain normal living in a house and waking up in said house to get ready for work routine items you immensely miss.  One being really great fresh coffee that doesn't end after one cup.  Hotel coffee is for the birds and when you buy one at a shop, it ends at the bottom of the paper cup - leaving you to want more.  Now, the mornings when I get to walk out to the kitchen to pour into a real mug out of a full pot, I almost do a happy dance jig right there.  All the coffee!  Give me all the coffee!  Shimmy.  Shake.  Boom.

Another item missed from the getting ready for work at home routine is changing my mind on what I want to wear.  You know, sometimes you just feel an outfit and sometimes you just don't.  It can't be planned.  When I first started this gig, I would pack a couple of choices because I know this to be true.  But now, that concept is entirely too exhausting after so much packing and unpacking.  I make the decision, go with it, and figure it's a good life lesson to sometimes get what I get and not throw a fit.

There isn't a real clever tie in here to the next train of my thought.  

I heard word from Momma Debi last night they finished the wheat harvesting which means all that remains is flax and soybeans.  There's rain in their forecast so this is good news, real good news!

There's nothing better than a combine selfie from a few weeks ago to celebrate.  Well, I'm sure there's lots of better things - like wine, chocolate, beer, chips, salsa, streamers, glitter, a small flag on a wooden stick to wave, etc... But go with me.

He was helping his friends harvest and I have been in many combines in my life but never have I sat next to someone I also want to make out with so there you have it.  

Also because harvest pictures are some of my very favorite, I tend to get a bit snap happy.  Apparently what was going on here was Kiel saying to my nephew Gus, "Just wave to her.  It'll make her go away."

I found this out later and deep down I'm beyond happy I did not go away.  The rule breaker in me is happy I bucked the mold.

Cheers to the long weekend.  May it be filled with spending time in the slightly chilly air surrounded by the starting to crisp up leaves while wearing a cute sweater to wear when it dips to a tad too chilly.

If you are a man, I hope it still involves a cute sweater.  Never underestimate the happiness a gray or cream cable knit can bring. 

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